Silt Fence
Super Silt Fence
A silt fence is a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment in storm water runoff. They are widely used on construction sites. They are often perimeter controls, typically used in combination with sediment basins and sediment traps, as well as erosion controls, which are designed to retain sediment in place where soil is being disturbed by construction processes. Silt fence fabrics (geotextiles) tested in laboratory settings have shown to be effective at trapping sediment particles.
Our Silt Fence combines the finest sediment control fabrics available secured to solid hardwood pencil point posts with heavy duty, wide crown staples. We are well known and respected throughout the industry for our high quality and low-cost fencing. This is also combined with quick delivery and prompt, knowledgeable customer service.
We also produce custom configurations including steel wire mesh backed, plastic mesh backed, drawcord, washer & lathe reinforced, biodegradable, orange color, metal T-post, fabric only rolls, loose posts and printed logo fence.
Also Available
- Standard silt fence w/1 1/4″ nom post
- Heavy duty silt fence w/2″x2″ nom posts w/draw string & w/30″ wood lathes
- Heavy duty silt fence w/2″x2″ nom posts with plastic mesh
- Heavy duty silt fence w/2″x2″ nom posts with washers
Silt Fence Applications
Made of porous polypropylene filter fabric, Silt Fencing is designed to restrict the loss of loose soil and retain sediment in place from disturbed land, such as a construction site. Silt Fences are often installed as perimeter controls and typically used in combination with sediment basins or sediment traps, as well as erosion controls.
Silt Fence allows water to filter efficiently into the ecosystem until the activities disturbing the land (i.e., land grading and earthwork) are sufficiently completed, to allow re-vegetation and permanent soil stabilization. The silt fence fabric ponds sediment-laden storm water runoff, causing sediment to be retained by the settling processes. It is held up by wooden or metal posts driven into the ground, so it’s inexpensive and relatively easy to remove. Construction silt fences function in a manner like a sedimentation basin in which water is allowed to filter through the fabric while suspended silt particles settle to the ground.
A single 100-foot run of a construction silt fence may hold 50 tons of sediment in place. Most construction sites today do have silt fences, but many do not work effectively because they are not well designed, installed, or maintained.
Silt Fence Applications
- Curbside silt control at construction sites
- Perimeter of construction sites
- Adjacent to streams, lakes and creeks
- Bottom of highly erodible slopes
- Around storm water drainage ditches and culverts
- Required in some jurisdictions
When to Choose Wire Back Silt Fence, or Super Silt Fence
The purpose of wire back silt fence is to prevent the flow of sediment from leaving the desired site and entering natural drainage ways or storm drainage systems by slowing storm water runoff and causing the deposition of sediment at the structure. Silt fencing encourages sheet flow and reduces the potential of developing ruts and gullies. Wire Backed Silt Fence for sediment control consists of a high-quality woven geotextile with ultraviolet stabilizers to resist degradation caused by exposure to sunlight. Wire Backed Silt Fence has filter fabric attached to wire mesh for added support.
Some government jurisdictions or soil conservation districts recommend or require the use of “super” silt fence or an enhanced or reinforced silt fence, on some construction sites. This design uses filter fabric reinforced by a wire mesh or chain link fence. The metal backing gives the fence increased strength to resist the weight of soil and water which may be trapped by the fence in a large drainage area, and discourages construction site operators from driving vehicles over the fence.